
Attacked fighter jet , the President of Yemen Leave Palace

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ADEN - Air strikes against the Presidential Palace in the city of Aden, Yemen and the western part of the fierce battle at the airport raising concerns President Mansour Hadi Abedrabbo. He Decided to leave his home.

ISIS actors Mosque bombing in Yemen

SANAA - ISIS militant group claimed responsibility for the deadly bomb attack incident in Sanaa , Yemen on Friday, March 20th .

Houses Yemeni President Attacked Again

ADEN - The security situation in Yemen is getting hot . On this day the residence of Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi in the city of Aden again attacked by fighters from the Houthi group .

Israel Threatens to Expel US ally ?

WASHINGTON - Despite President of the United States (US), Barack Obama has contacted the Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu, does not mean their relationship to melt. In fact, the US government threatened will no longer support Israel in the United Nations (UN).


UNESCO Action slams ISIS Destroy Ancient City of Nimrud

UNESCO leader, Friday (03/06/2015), strongly condemned the destruction of the ancient city of Assyria, Nimrud in Iraq who carried the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Invite the UN World Stop Action ISIS Iraq Destroy Civilization

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, invites the international community to stop the act of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that destroy historic sites in Iraq.

UN Secretary-General's statement came hours after Iraq's Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism called the US-led international coalition to roll out air strikes against ISIS to protect the historic sites.

ISIS Possible To Genocide

The jihadi group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq or Syria and ISIS possibility of genocide and war crimes against the minority Yazidi community in Iraq, the UN said.

Through a recent report, the UN declared ISIS "intends ... destroy Yazidis as a group."

Tens of thousands of people fleeing from the Yazidi villages in northern Iraq while ISIS move forward last summer. Many people were killed, kidnapped and enslaved.

Natural Denies IS Throwback Post- Attack Iraqi Army

A spokesman of the Islamic State (IS), Abu Mohammed al-Adnani denied reports that setback IS an attack on the Iraqi government and Kurdish troops along the international coalition air strikes.

 A spokesman of the Islamic State (IS), Abu Mohammed al-Adnani denied reports that setback IS an attack on the Iraqi government and Kurdish troops along the international coalition air strikes.

In Syria, the Kurdish YPG fighters seized the territory that became an important logistics route for the IS.


Controversy ISIS and porn videos

Indonesian people easy access to video and propaganda material ISIS militia groups in cyberspace become controversial since the Indonesian government had no difficulty to cover pornography sites.
ISIS propaganda videos contain weapons training involving children in Malay and Indonesian circulating on Sunday (15/03) until Tuesday (17/03) and in cyberspace. The video is not blocked automatically as happens in pornography.

The " small penis " title party in London

A group of men who have penis below the average size of the world held a party in London , England .
BBC attended the first event in the UK specifically held that the men can talk frankly about their bodies .

Most of the men who came to have a penis smaller than most of the penis .

According BJU International Journal of Urology , international penis size average of more than 9.16 centimeters in a flaccid state .

France protested against the new draft euro coin

The new design for 2 Euro coins depicting the war in Europe drew protests from the French government.

In the coin there is a picture monument peringatakan Lion Hill in Waterloo, near the capital of Belgium, Brussels.

Belgian government proposed a new coin design proficiency level to commemorate the battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815.

Capitalist protests starting running riot in Germany

German police said they arrested 350 people when anticapitalist protesters clashed in Frankfurt coincided with the inauguration of the office of the European Central Bank.

US Air Force Veterans ' attempt ' to join ISIS

The court in New York, USA, indicted a US Air Force veteran seeks to join a group calling itself the Islamic State (ISIS).


Hundreds of Thousand People Demo in Brazil , Demand President resigns

Nearly a million people took to the streets of cities in Brazil President Dilma Rousseff demand fell following the country's economy plummeted, rising prices and corruption in government.

Reuters reported, the demonstrations were conducted in several cities on Sunday (15/3) the average lasts safe, with only a little chaotic recorded. This demonstration marks the stagnant Brazilian economy in the last five years and billions of dollars of corruption scandals in government energy company Petroleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras.

ISIS Accuses Kurdish forces Use of Chemical Weapons in Iraq

Iraqi Kurdish forces in the Islamic militant group accused the State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) using chemical weapons. Currently they are investigating two locations ISIS attack that allegedly used chemical weapons.

ISIS ' kidnapped ' 2 Child Holland and brought to Syria

A woman who lived in the Netherlands Chechnya has brought her two children to join the militant Islamic State or Aisis in Syria, which is contrary to the desire of the boys' father, as presented by the prosecution in the Netherlands.

Women, who had been divorced by her husband, was carrying a boy who was eight years old and seven-year-old girl believed to have been traveling on a false passport.

Tomb of Saddam destroyed by fighting in Tikrit

Associated Press video footage showed that the remaining of the mausoleum in the village of al - Awja are the pillars supporting the roof .


AL Zionist forces arrest four Palestinian Fishermen in Gaza waters

GAZA , Thursday ( WAFA ) : Zionist army arrested four Palestinian fishermen off the coast of the Gaza Strip , Monday ( 26/1 ) night . Before capturing the fishermen , Zionists fired warning shots . Zionists accused them of fishing beyond the six nautical mile limit . As is known , the Zionist Palestinian fishermen are only allowed to fish as far as six nautical miles .

According to the Zionist military radio , AL Zionist forces arrested four Palestinians who were fishing out of bounds six nautical miles . Then , four fishermen were taken by the Zionist spies , Shin Bet , for interrogation .

Chairman of the Association of Fishermen of Gaza , Nizar Ayyash said , seven of naval warships opened fire on fishing boats Zionists . According to Ayyash , the ship sank a few minutes and the fishermen were arrested after jumping into the water . There were no injuries in the incident .

Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Gaza almost every day to Zionist naval targets . It causes berjatuhannya civilian casualties . Zionists also often destroy the fishing boat . According to the Gaza Fishermen Association , there are about 50,000 Gazans who make a living by fishing . Zionist terror is no doubt make Gaza fishermen continue to suffer losses and risk their lives just to earn a living .

Deputy Head of the Gaza Fishermen Association Shrafi Amjad said , hundreds of Palestinian fishermen have been arrested , injured and even killed in the Gaza coast . Zionists also have confiscated about 54 fishing boats . During the Zionist aggression last summer , Palestinian fishermen suffered severe losses after the Zionist warplanes attacked fishing equipment storage sheds .


Danger Nicotine In Cigarettes

Dangers of Nicotine in cigarettes , here I will explain what it is and what the impact of nicotine nicotine use .
- Addicted to nicotine in cigarettes at addiction to heroin or cocaine .
- The younger you start smoking a cigarette , the more powerful your addiction to smoking .
- Most drug users and alcoholics stems from smokers .


Team 9 Proposes Cancellation BG As Chief of Police

President Joko Widodo face pretty heavy pressure from party supporters regarding the fate of police chief candidates Komjen Budi Gunawan . Jokowi position is a dilemma in the middle of encouragement inauguration Komjen large Budi and rescue mission to eradicate corruption Commission and enforcement .

Serious situation facing Jokowi is delivered by one of the members of the independent team , Buya Shafi'i Maarif . Shafi justify the current situation facing Jokowi is quite heavy .

Meeting with President Jokowi Independent Team or Team 9 led Shafi'i Maarif at the State Palace , Jakarta , Wednesday ( 28/1 ) , it reveals many facts . What is surprising is Jokowi admit that name as Chief of Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan not appear on the initiative himself , but from others .

Cancellation Budi Gunawan Has Become More Early

Pratikno State Secretary said the government welcomed the advice of an independent team requested that the inauguration of the Commissioner -General Budi Gunawan canceled . According to him , the option is actually considered together since the beginning of other options .

" If it was initially thought that's actually in the range of course options available . The options from the beginning of the yea begin immediately sworn in , or resign , or proposed new candidates , " said Pratikno when met at his office on Wednesday ( 27/01/2015 ) .


Less Funds , UNRWA Suspend Aid to Gaza

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees ( UNRWA ) has suspended aid to Gazans , who were displaced by the Israel- Hamas war last year , due to lack of money in a large number of donors .

Syria attack Israel Reply

Israel launched a counterattack , after rockets hit Syria in the Golan Heights region . Previous two rockets fired from Syria and struck the region that became the point of war .


the resignation of Vice Chairman of KPK

After the resignation of Vice Chairman of the Commission Widjojanto ( BW ) of the Commission . Thus , the remaining three the KPK leader KPK chairman Abraham Samad and two deputy Adnan Pandu Praja and Zulkarnain .

Deputy Prevention KPK Johan Budi SP said , the investigation of corruption cases in the Commission will continue to run as usual , although there were only three commissioners today .

" The position of the three leaders , do not make KPK leaders to stop carrying out his duties as head of the Commission . I do not know if there will be more leaders who will be suspect , " Johan said in a press conference at the Building Commission , Jalan HR Rasuna Said , Kuningan , South Jakarta , on Monday ( 26/01/2015 ) .

However , Johan denies the withdrawal of BW will make the investigation process slows down , not as fast as the Commission headed by four people .

" If Mr. Bambang retreat definitely disturbed , especially the speed of handling cases or other programs , all cases are in the hands of the Commission , " he said .

However , Johan reassured that all the cases of corruption will continue to run sepertia usual . " All cases are still going to continue . There is the examination of witnesses and work programs other , " said Johan .

Vice Chairman Bambang Widjojanto suspension kpk

Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police Headquarters eventually canceled plans to arrest the Vice Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Widjojanto . According to Deputy Chairman of the Commission , Adnan Pandu Praja , Bambang acquisition process is quite complicated and lengthy .

" At first we did not know there would be immediate arrest . That's why we guarantee Bambang 'll leave , " Pandu explained it at the KPK building , Jakarta , on Saturday morning , January 24 , 2015. Apparently , after the Chairman of the Commission met with President Joko Widodo in Bogor Palace was Bambang never released by investigators Criminal Investigation .

KPK leaders can not remain silent . Pandu said he is trying to contact Jokowi and remind commitment to free Bambang . " But not too removed , " he said .

Around 23.30 pm , Pandu and Zulkarnain as well as some anti-corruption activists from visiting the Criminal Investigation . There, they met with Deputy Chief of National Police Commissioner General Badrodin Haiti and ask commitment to free Bambang . "We have to question the commitment Badrodin twice , " said Pandu .

Finally , Badrodin fulfill its commitment to free Bambang . That, too, with a guarantee of Pandu and Zulkarnain that Bambang will follow the process of further examination and cooperative .

Bambang was arrested on his way home , after dropping their children to school in Depok , West Java . Police said the arrest of Bambang done because it has been designated as suspects in the alleged witness falsely told the hearing election disputes Kotawaringin West in the Constitutional Court .

A week earlier , the Commission announced a single candidate who carried PDI police chief , Budi Gunawan , as suspects in the alleged bribery and graft acceptance .


chronology arrest vice chairman KPK

Vice Chairman of the Commission Widjojanto Police Headquarters investigators arrested for allegedly ordering the witness to give false testimony when convened at the Constitutional Court ( MK ) . At that time , Bambang into the plaintiff's attorney Sonny Iskandar - Bambang Purwanto in election disputes Kotawaringin West .

News of the arrest of the Chairman of the Commission Widjojanto Wakit directly spread quickly

News of the arrest of the Chairman of the Commission Widjojanto Wakit directly spread quickly . Even this hot topic directly to rank high in Twitter trending topic .

#SaveKPK , Vice Chairman of the Commission , and Cicak vs Crocodiles are some of the most discussed topics on the microblogging site .

Chirp or tweets of users rushing to leave a comment. Where most surprised by the arrest Bambang clearing firm known criminals .


the dangers of shisha ( hokkah )

Shisha or hookah is usually called tobacco smoking style ala the Middle East . How to smoke shisha in contrast to cigarette tobacco in general . Shisha using a tube that contains water . Inside the tube , tobacco is heated with added fruit flavor . Shisha tube is also equipped with a hose to inhale the smoke it produces .

The current trend of smoking shisha is loved by the public and has become part of the association . The smoke was flavorful fruits make people become curious to try it . Finally smoking ' fruits ' is also used as an option with a more healthful reason than smoking regular tobacco . They also assume the smoke shisha is not dangerous because all the toxins in tobacco has been absorbed by the water .
But it turns out all the assumptions are wrong . Smoking shisha tobacco smoking is more dangerous than usual . According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , smoking shisha for an hour as dangerous as cigarettes smoked 100 .

sapphire stone

Sapphire / Sapphire ( Hebrew : ספּיר Sapphire ) is a single crystalline form of aluminum oxide ( Al2O3 ) , a mineral known as corundum . Blue Sapphire can be found naturally as gemstones or manufactured in large crystal blues for various purposes , including infrared optical components , surface hour , strong window , and wafers for the semiconductor deposition such as GaN nanorod .

Give jokowi Understanding to the President of Brazil and King of Holland about Execution Dead

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi Joko Widodo said that the President has given understanding to the King of the Netherlands and President of Brazil about the citizens who executed the Government of Indonesia . According to Retno , Jokowi already communicate directly with the two heads of state .

Retno said that the King of Holland called Jokowi on Thursday ( 15/2015 ) . The President of Brazil called Jokowi on Friday ( 16/01/2015 ) . They both questioned the execution of its citizens .

Latest news AIRASIA QZ8501

15 January 2015
07:30 pm

Basarnas Chief Marshal FH Bambang Soelistyo stated several ships of other countries such as Singapore and the USA confirmed complete mission AirAsia search . The whole ship was going back to home base each on this day .

At 06:51 pm

Basarnas divers from the Navy fielded this morning to see and search for victims who may still exist in the fuselage . If you later divers encounter difficulties, other steps had to be done , namely Basarnas forced to lift the fuselage .


isis defeat in iraq

Kurdish forces in northern Iraq almost retook the largest dam in Iraq after militants storm the ISIS . Kurdish officials said the ground offensive is aided by US air strikes so that they can seize the dam of Mosul on Sunday morning .

Important and highly strategic facilities has been dominated by radical groups on the 7th August. Mosul dam supplies water and electricity in northern Iraq and ISIS group feared would be used to flood the surrounding city .

TNI response to the challenges of isis

A militant Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS ) which allegedly Indonesian citizens ( citizen ) challenged TNI Commander General Moeldoko because personally asked the head of the US Military Cooperation General Martin E Dempsey to allow high military officers participated as observers in the Task Force anti -ISIS in Washington .


Bullpup firearms

Bullpup configuration modern firearms is where the operating system is located on the weapon and magazine behind the trigger and in addition to the shooter 's face , so there is no wasted space for butt as in conventional designs . This allows shorter length firearm 25 % of other weapons with the same barrel length so while maintaining accuracy with a long barrel , and reduce the total weight of the weapon itself .

The origins of " bullpup " the term has been in use in world war one but started in production during the 70s

conflict israel gaza Palestine : Hamas victory

Palestinian President , Mahmoud Abbas contacted Hamas prime minister , Ismail Haniyeh overnight to congratulate above ' victory ' against Israel
" In a telephone conversation , Abbas told Haniyeh give Congratulations on the victory of Hamas and sympathy for those who die a martyr , " said one official reality Haniyeh.


KPK chairman Abraham intimate photo circulating samat

KPK chairman Abraham Samad suggests there is an attempt to attack him through the circulation of intimate photos that looked like him along Puteri Indonesia 2014 Elvira Devinamira Wirayanti . He denied the authenticity of the photos .

Abraham said , there are intentionally want to drop after the Commission set the prospective head of the Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan as a suspect . " It's an attempt to attack and dropped me after yesterday's announcement of the suspects , " said Abraham through short messages , Wednesday ( 14/01/2015 ) .

National Police chief Budi Gunawan CANDIDATE SUSPECT

Komjen police chief candidates Budi Gunawan has been named as a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ) on Tuesday ( 01/13/2015 ) over alleged graft case .

Various speculations arose on the determination of Commissioner General Budi Gunawan as a suspect because he was the sole candidate for police chief submitted to Parliament President Joko Widodo .

2 Victims Identified AirAsia from CCTV footage Airport

Day 16 Aircraft search QZ8501 AirAsia , AirAsia identified two bodies Tim Disaster Victim Identification ( DVI ) Police . Both bodies are named Elisabeth Youvita and David Gunawan . Both citizens of Surabaya , East Java .

DVI team identified both through CCTV footage shortly before the flight departure at Juanda International Airport terminal 2 , Sidoarjo , East Java .

FDR black box found under debris AirAsia QZ8501 aircraft wing

Head of the National Search and Rescue Agency ( Basarnas ) Marshal FHB Soelistyo said the presence of the Flight Data Recorder ( FDR ) which is part of AirAsia QZ8501 black box found under the debris of the aircraft wing .

" Not squeezed airframe , but under the rubble wing . Different body with wings , " said Soelistyo Basarnas office in Jakarta , Monday ( 12/1 ) .


World 's most expensive car

Car is an invaluable vehicle has always been a benchmark of wealth in society today many brand new car that cost tremendous always make people shook his head in amazement . Now this world in an uproar created by the car Lamborghini luxury at exorbitant prices , car Lamborghini ever brought by Indonesian artist syahrini so many people say syahrini Lamborghini cars . The car lamborghini car veneno output Italian company which is available only 3 cars in the world , a luxury car at a price of more than Rp . 30 billion in small quantities naturally if the car has become a bone of contention rich people in the world .

Lamborghini cars are only available veneno 3 This unit consists of three different accent colors that accents of green , red , and white . The third accent elambangkan that there are only 3 cars d world it comes from italy three colors symbolize the Italian flag colors . In addition to the car while the car Lamborghini Aventador Lamborghini verneno is lamboghini most expensive car in the world , although not yet officially launched Idi but gold clad Lamborghini prototype is already on display in the city of Dubai . It was fantastic in the estimate price of this car will reach Rp . 85.1 billion , plated gold weighing 500 kilograms , car tires are made of glass , sprinkled with gemstones and precious metals .

Stone Charm Bacan

Fans of precious stones is no stranger to rock Bacan . This precious stone known for its distinctiveness in the pattern . The price offered to hundreds of millions of dollars per unit . This stone is much sought after . Type booming lately is Bacan Doko and Palamea stone .

Bacan pretty much rock types . Besides Bacan Doko and Palamea , there kind of Bacan Obi , Pancawarna , and so on . This stone has a name like that because it becomes a genuine natural stone from Bacan Island . The island occupies the administrative area of South Halmahera .


Discovery of aircraft black box AirAsiaQZ8501

Teams of divers managed to find the black box at the bottom of the sea , a few days after the ship Masterpieces Geo Survey ( MGS ) find the tail AirAsia . Tail of the plane was found 11 days after the plane went down in the Java Sea .

The following chronology black box search AirAsia QZ 8501 , until finally a team of divers managed to find its location on the seabed :

Search Air Asia QZ8501

BELITUNG - Search Air Asia in the waters of the island of Jackfruit , Beltim Polairud Police patrol boat Beltim , Sunday ( 12/28/2014 ) afternoon , until evening nil result . Previously, the search team led patrol boats Adj Polairud Beltim Police , AKP Yanto also received information about the survivors .