
the dangers of shisha ( hokkah )

Shisha or hookah is usually called tobacco smoking style ala the Middle East . How to smoke shisha in contrast to cigarette tobacco in general . Shisha using a tube that contains water . Inside the tube , tobacco is heated with added fruit flavor . Shisha tube is also equipped with a hose to inhale the smoke it produces .

The current trend of smoking shisha is loved by the public and has become part of the association . The smoke was flavorful fruits make people become curious to try it . Finally smoking ' fruits ' is also used as an option with a more healthful reason than smoking regular tobacco . They also assume the smoke shisha is not dangerous because all the toxins in tobacco has been absorbed by the water .
But it turns out all the assumptions are wrong . Smoking shisha tobacco smoking is more dangerous than usual . According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , smoking shisha for an hour as dangerous as cigarettes smoked 100 .

Any content of Shisha ?
Such as cigarettes , shisha contains tobacco and other toxic content such as nicotine , tar , carbon monoxide , arsenic , and lead . Although it implies the same , it is more toxic than the smoke shisha tobacco cigarettes . When compared with a cigarette tobacco , shisha smoke contains arsenic and nickel were higher , tar 36 times higher , and carbon monoxide is 15 times higher .

Smoking shisha usually takes longer than smoking tobacco , so the content of nicotine and cancer-causing elements that go into the lungs is higher .

danger Shisha
By knowing the toxins that exist in each isapannya , it is not surprising that shisha smoking can cause many health problems that can not be underestimated .

heart disease

Shisha along with the smoke contains many toxins that are known to cause blood clots and heart disease .


If the duration of the session saw smoke shisha , shisha smokers absorb more toxins than regular smokers . Charcoal is used to heat the tobacco also adversely affect health . Even after passing through any water , smoke shisha still contain high levels of toxins . Substances sort of carbon monoxide , metals , and chemicals causing cancer ( lung cancer , oral cancer and bladder cancer ) contained therein .

Gum disease

There was an increase in nicotine and cotinine in the blood and saliva shisha smokers affecting the gum tissue .
Infected with contagious diseases

Tube and hose shisha shisha provider used by the cafe could not be cleaned properly . It can facilitate the spread of infectious diseases , such as tuberculosis ( TB ) , aspergillus infections ( fungus that can cause serious lung infections ) , and helicobacter infection ( gastroenteritis ) .

Pregnant women at risk of having a baby with low birth weight

A woman who smokes shisha as a tube or more per day during pregnancy, the risk of having a low birth weight baby . Not only that , the baby is born also at risk of respiratory distress .

Reduced male fertility
The content of heavy metals in the shisha like arsenic, chromium , lead , and cobalt in semen can have a negative impact on the quantity and quality of sperm .

Stop Smoking Shisha Right Now
It turns out that shisha is not as safe as suspected at first . So stop smoking shisha and start doing healthy activities .

Perform physical activity

Physical activity , such as exercise , it is important to help you quit smoking shisha because it can stimulate the brain to produce endorphins , giving pleasure and curiosity healthy life .

Besides being able to build muscle and strong bones , exercise can relieve stress , increase stamina , improve health , and help you overcome sleeplessness . After exercise , the body will feel tired that will make you want to rest . It can keep the mind to smoke shisha . If you can not exercise because of the limitations of the health condition , you can continue to be active by doing some light housework .

Looking for support

In addition to asking the support of family and friends , you can also seek support from other parties , such as joining a special group of people who want to overcome addiction shisha . Through this group you will get a variety of information about the adverse effects of shisha . Not only that , you also can swap stories with other members.
Stay away from smoking shisha

You do not need to be someone who is antisocial or reluctant to get together with friends . Only if there is a bevy of shisha smoking session , you should stay away from the crowd for a while . You can also get out of the room or ask for permission to go home . Do not forget to explain to them that now you are struggling to quit smoking shisha and ask them not to smoke when adjacent to you . The way it can help you avoid the dangers of smoke shisha and suppress the desire to return to smoking .

Most shisha lovers are young people who actually afraid to smoke tobacco . They considered safer shisha , coupled with the demands of the association . But eating habits are worse than smoking shisha usual . No need to fear shunned in association or not modern stamped by friends . Remember that health is more important .

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