
Controversy ISIS and porn videos

Indonesian people easy access to video and propaganda material ISIS militia groups in cyberspace become controversial since the Indonesian government had no difficulty to cover pornography sites.
ISIS propaganda videos contain weapons training involving children in Malay and Indonesian circulating on Sunday (15/03) until Tuesday (17/03) and in cyberspace. The video is not blocked automatically as happens in pornography.

Although the latter was blocked Youtube videos, a new step was taken after the emergence of public complaints to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

MCIT Rudiantara said there are a number of issues which require a recommendation from community leaders and experts, including racial issues and the spread of hatred.

"If it relates to pornography, we already know how to handle it because there are laws pornography. However, not all the special treatment to certain sites can we decide. Hence there is a panel that gives recommendation, "said Rudiantara.

One community leader who contacted Kemenkominfo to be a member of the panel is to figure NU, Wahid Solahudin. According to him, the government should prohibit the dissemination of propaganda videos ISIS with grounding Act No. 27 of 1999 concerning crimes against state security.

Not enough.

Anticipation government requiring the panel's recommendations is seen as less effective because the fight against the spread of propaganda requires extra steps quickly, as it is said terrorism analyst, Taufik Andrie.

"Closing the internet site loses its effectiveness when the material, in this case can be news, propaganda materials, the work of translation or video, already disseminated. So if closed, could be material copied to a website does not pay such as blogspot or wordpress. Duplicate their incredible speed, "said Taufik.

Apart from the closure of the site, he added, the government should reply to spread the message of peace and symbols of Islam moderate in cyberspace.

"Because of this battle in information technology, should be the same battleground. Governments must fight their thinking through concepts, moderate Islamic ideology, "he said.

At least, there are three videos that had circulated on Youtube page since last Sunday, March 15th. Video duration of 2 minutes 12 seconds it depicts a dozen young children trained teenage martial and use firearms.

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