
Cancellation Budi Gunawan Has Become More Early

Pratikno State Secretary said the government welcomed the advice of an independent team requested that the inauguration of the Commissioner -General Budi Gunawan canceled . According to him , the option is actually considered together since the beginning of other options .

" If it was initially thought that's actually in the range of course options available . The options from the beginning of the yea begin immediately sworn in , or resign , or proposed new candidates , " said Pratikno when met at his office on Wednesday ( 27/01/2015 ) .

According Pratikno , all options were granted to the president . The most important thing today , he continued , was not heard those options .

" But the decision. It is now being prepared by the president , " added the former Rector of the University of Gadjah Mada .

Pratikno do not want to speculate presidential choice will tend to nowhere. He simply stated that in one week , the president will make a decision regarding the status of candidate for police chief Budi Gunawan , now named as a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ) .

" Hopefully there is something ( this week ) , but we do not know , " he said .

Demand for not induct Komjen Budi Gunawan is one final recommendation submitted Independent Team . " The President should not induct Police chief candidate to reconsider the status of suspects and to propose a new candidate Police Police chief that the institution may soon have a definitive police chief , " said Syafii in his press conference . ( Read : Independent Team Recommend Komjen Budi Gunawan Not Inducted ! )

Independent team consists of former Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Syafii ; former Chairman of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshidiqie ; sociologist Imam Prasodjo ; former National Police Chief Gen. ( ret ) Sutanto ; former Deputy Chief of Police Commissioner General ( Ret ) Oegroseno ; Professor of International Law , University of Indonesia ( UI ) Hikmahanto Heilbron ; former chairman of the Commission , Batch Hatorangan Panggabean and Erry Riyana Hardjapamengkas ; as well as police observer Bambang Widodo Umar .

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