
Hundreds of Thousand People Demo in Brazil , Demand President resigns

Nearly a million people took to the streets of cities in Brazil President Dilma Rousseff demand fell following the country's economy plummeted, rising prices and corruption in government.

Reuters reported, the demonstrations were conducted in several cities on Sunday (15/3) the average lasts safe, with only a little chaotic recorded. This demonstration marks the stagnant Brazilian economy in the last five years and billions of dollars of corruption scandals in government energy company Petroleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras.

In the city of Sao Paulo, police said that a million people took part in the action at the Avenida Paulista, the business heart of Brazil's largest city. A private company said that the demonstrators were present only 210 thousand.

Earlier, more than 10 thousand people took to the streets in Rio de Janeiro, exactly in front of the waterfall Copacabana. Most wore blue, green and yellow, the color of the flag of Brazil. They sang the national anthem and shouting "Dilma, down!"

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"People betrayed, humiliated at home and abroad," said Diogo Ortiz, 32.

The ruling party, the Workers' Party, was considered a long time ignoring criticism from people about big spending, subsidies, protectionist policies and corruption, resulting in only 4 percent economic growth in the last 10 years.

Observers predict the Brazilian economy will fall into recession. Investors worry that the country could be decreased level of investment. Inflation is currently the highest in the last 10 years. While the Brazilian currency, declined 22 percent against the dollar this year.

Petrobras corruption involving dozens of politicians who poured money the company for the ruling political party, including to finance Rousseff winning election in 2010. Politicians accused of taking bribes from companies that want to cooperate with Petrobras, the actions alleged to have been rooted since the 1990s.

Rousseff itself is not caught this case. But many blame women 67 years for failing to supervise taxes Petrobras, especially when he led the company for many years before becoming president.

Impeachment for Rousseff who has just entered the second period of his leadership was considered far from reality. Apart from the Congress party majority coming from Rousseff, the government also considers the protest was an act of opposition that does not accept defeat in the last election.

Miguel Rossetto, one of the top advisors Rousseff said that the opposition is trying to create intolerance and attempted to overthrow the leader of Brazil.

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