
Danger Nicotine In Cigarettes

Dangers of Nicotine in cigarettes , here I will explain what it is and what the impact of nicotine nicotine use .
- Addicted to nicotine in cigarettes at addiction to heroin or cocaine .
- The younger you start smoking a cigarette , the more powerful your addiction to smoking .
- Most drug users and alcoholics stems from smokers .

nicotine danger to health
dangers of nicotine
Nicotine is a poison that acts directly to the brain , damaging thoughts and body . If you smoke , you will be dependent on nicotine . Without cigarettes , you are experiencing symptoms that are less palatable for example, you may :
Feeling irritable , hollow or furious .
Anxious or agitated .
Stress at work .

Relief that you enjoy from each cigarette is only temporary and these symptoms will return the original . You will then lit a cigarette again and soon , you become addicted to nicotine .
Nicotine slowly will result in changes in the brain cells of smokers that cause you feel the need to smoke more to overcome addiction symptoms .
Nicotine is an extremely powerful opiate ! Nicotine cigarettes contain more addictive substances ( substances that cause addiction ) than heroin or cocaine . The tobacco companies often manipulate nicotine levels in cigarettes they produce in order to give a sense that remains the same . They also can not ensure the same level of nicotine in each cigarette you suction .
Nicotine cigarettes , just seconds after the first puff , began to affect the central nervous system and the rest of your body . In certain parts of the brain , after being exposed to nicotine stimulation , you will be able to think more lightly . Other parts of the brain , which is the center of " pleasure " , if stimulated nicotine can make you feel more relaxed and comfortable , free from tension .
Nicotine Smoking also affects the hormones produced by the body . This is done by hormones to make the chemical balance of the accompanying nicotine and addiction . Heavy smokers will be dependent on hormone levels are very high , which is caused by nicotine , the addictive substance that can be very powerful . They need to smoke a cigarette with a certain time interval . After the stimulation of hormone decline , they will need another cigarette to smoke in order to feel good / more comfortable .
Nicotine cigarettes will create biochemical reactions in your body , which quickly gives effect to the ' mood ' of your body's metabolism and ability to act . The more smoke you breathe , the more your body chemical dependency . Smokers can also become addicted to cigarettes are always dependent on the psychological effect caused by nicotine caused . If this happens , cigarettes can affect a person's attitudes and feelings in certain situations .
Nicotine cigarettes can respond brain to tell your body make more endorphin substance . Endorphin is a protein compound or precisely as the body 's natural pain killer . Endorphins chemical structure is similar to morphine which is a painkiller upscale . Endorphins can make a person feel relaxed and euphoria .
Nicotine cigarettes in the long term can increase cholesterol levels in the blood resulting in the smoker ( although it has long since stopped smoking ) are very susceptible to strokes and heart attacks . It is caused by damage to the arteries in the blood , which is one of its functions to circulate oxygen throughout the body .
And if they can not get to smoked another cigarette , then the addiction process begins ... let's stop smoking .

Travelling nicotine ,
Why harmful nicotine .
Nicotine is the substance in the release when a person smokes . So if we buy a pack of cigarettes , there will be a description of nicotine and tar . Nicotine is the addictive substance in comparison with drugs - other drugs . One of the most widely abused drug use is nicotine , which can be derived from smoking or chewing tobacco .

Travelling nicotine from the lungs - pulmonary fairly quickly to the brain that is only 7 seconds. After reaching the brain nicotine stimulates the release of dopamine , which is an important neurotransmitter involved in mood ( mood ) , appetite and other brain functions . When a person smokes , the nicotine will enter and begin to accumulate in the body . Eventually someone will get used to the nicotine and if he does not get the same amount , the body will ask for more . And usually the amount of nicotine that entry will be greater or increased .
Users can quickly become nicotine dependence , because it only takes a few cigarettes to be able to make a person has an addiction . If someone arrived - arrived quit smoking , then he will have the effect of reversal (withdrawal effects) as anxiety and mood swings .

One thing that is undeniable is nicotine addiction usually starts from someone try - try or experiment with cigarettes . In many cases this condition is sometimes already started since someone still in school or aged 13-14 years . As a pure drug , nicotine has few adverse effects to one's physical health . But the substance - other chemicals contained in cigarettes and join the nicotine is what can cause a lot of damage to the body .
Because when a cigarette is burned and smoked , then there are hundreds of chemical compounds produced and a great risk to health . Nicotine was originally discovered by besar Prancis ambassador , Jean Nicot in the mid fourteenth century . At that time people believe nicotine as a drug . Half a century later became known dangers of nicotine to the body , but only a few have been able to say no to nicotine .

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