
ISIS Possible To Genocide

The jihadi group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq or Syria and ISIS possibility of genocide and war crimes against the minority Yazidi community in Iraq, the UN said.

Through a recent report, the UN declared ISIS "intends ... destroy Yazidis as a group."

Tens of thousands of people fleeing from the Yazidi villages in northern Iraq while ISIS move forward last summer. Many people were killed, kidnapped and enslaved.

Yazidis embrace ancient belief that seen by ISIS as devil worship.

Agency reports UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is based on more than 100 interviews with survivors of the attack in Iraq from June 2014 through February of this year.

A number of alleged violations of the community ISIS Yazidis are:

- Murder "cruel with specific targets" that hundreds of men and boys in Nineveh province, northwest of Baghdad in August 2014
- Rape youngest daughter was six years old
- Abduction of women as a "result of the war"
- The forced separation of families
- Boys youngest was eight years old trained militia ISIS

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