
sapphire stone

Sapphire / Sapphire ( Hebrew : ספּיר Sapphire ) is a single crystalline form of aluminum oxide ( Al2O3 ) , a mineral known as corundum . Blue Sapphire can be found naturally as gemstones or manufactured in large crystal blues for various purposes , including infrared optical components , surface hour , strong window , and wafers for the semiconductor deposition such as GaN nanorod .

Corundum group including pure aluminum . A small number of other elements such as iron , titanium , and chromium give blue , yellow , pink , purple , orange , or greenish against Blue sapphire . Blue Sapphire including all variations of quality mineral corundum except the fully saturated red color , known as Stone Ruby ( Red Pomegranate ) .
Sapphire is generally worn as jewelry . Sapphires can be found naturally , by searching through certain sediments or rock formations , or they can be manufactured for industrial use or ornament in large crystal blues . Due to exceptional hardness of sapphire ( aluminum oxide and in general ) , sapphire is used in some non - decorative applications , including infrared optical components , such as in scientific instruments ; high durability windows ( also used in scientific instruments ) ; watch crystals ; and very thin electronic wafers , which are used as an insulating substrate solid-state electronics are very special - purpose ( largely integrated circuits ) .
Sapphire is one of the two or three varieties of gem - of corundum , with one more turn pink or deep red ruby . Although blue is the color of the most famous , made ​​from corundum sapphire colors except red ( red is called ruby ) Sapphires may also colorless ,. And they are also found in shades of gray and black .
Producing Countries stone Sapphire / Sapphire
The price of natural sapphire varies depending on their color , clarity , size , cut , and overall quality - as well as their geographic origin , oddly . The content of significant sapphire found in eastern Australia , Thailand , Sri Lanka , Madagascar , East Africa , and in North America in several locations , such as in " Gem Mountain " , and in or near the Missouri River in the vicinity of Helena , Montana . Sapphire and ruby are often found together in the same area , but one gem is usually more abundant .
Type color sapphire stone / Sapphire Gemstone
Color in gemstones is divided into three components : hue , saturation , and tone . Hue is most commonly understood as the " color " of the gemstone . Saturation refers to the clarity or brightness or " colorfulness " of colors , and the tone is bright for the dark color . Blue sapphire stone in various mixtures of primary colors ( blue ) and secondary , various tonal levels ( color ) and at various levels of saturation ( brightness ) .
Blue sapphires are evaluated based on their primary color purity . Purple , violet , and green is a secondary color is most commonly found in sapphire blue and purple Violet can contribute to the overall beauty of the color ,. While green is considered clearly negative . Blue sapphire with up to 15 % violet or purple are generally said to be good quality . Sapphire blue with a green number as a secondary color is not considered good quality . Gray is the normal saturation modifier or mask found in sapphire blue . Gray reduces the saturation or brightness of the hue and therefore has a clearly negative effect .

Fancy color sapphire
Yellow and green sapphires are also frequently found . Pink sapphires deepen in color as the quantity increases chromium . The deeper the pink color of their higher monetary value that has been a trend toward the red color of rubies .
Sapphires also occur in shades of orange and brown , and colored sapphires are sometimes used as a substitute for diamond jewelery . Padparadscha sapphires often charge higher prices than many of even the best blue sapphires . More recently , more sapphire color has appeared on the market as a result of new treatment methods of artificial called " lattice diffusion " .

Sapphire color change
Various rare sapphire , known as color change sapphire , showing different colors in different light . sapphire blue color changes in outside light and purple under incandescent lighting in the room , they can also be pink in daylight to greenish under fluorescent lights . Some stones shift color well and others only partially , in some stones go from blue to bluish purple . While color change sapphires come from a variety of locations , gem gravel Tanzania is the main source .
Some synthetic color - change sapphires are sold as " lab " or " synthetic " alexandrite , which is accurately called pretend alexandrite ( also called Alexandrium ) because the latter is actually a kind of Chrysoberyl substances completely different that different Pleochroism and much clearer than color - change corundum ( sapphire ) .

Mine Sapphire / Sapphire

Sapphire stones mined from alluvial deposits or from primary underground workings . Mining locations include Myanmar , Madagascar , Sri Lanka , Australia , Thailand , India , Pakistan , Afghanistan , Tanzania , Kenya , and China . Logan sapphire , the Star of India , and the Star of Bombay originate from Sri Lankan mines . Madagascar is the world leader in the production of sapphire ( per 2007) special deposits in and around the city Ilakaka Before opening Ilakaka mine ,. Australia is the largest manufacturer of sapphire ( as in 1987 ) . [ In 1991 , a new source of sapphires found in Andranondambo , southern Madagascar . The area has been used for sapphire began in 1993 , but it was practically just left a few years later - . because of the difficulty in recovering sapphires in their bedrock

Treatments ( processing ) on sapphire stone / Sapphire
Sapphire can be processed with several methods to increase and improve the clarity and color . It is common practice to heat natural sapphires to improve or enhance the color . This is done by heating the sapphires in air at temperatures between 500 and 1800 ° C for several hours , or by heating in a nitrogen -deficient atmosphere oven for seven days or more . After heating , the stone becomes more blue but lost some rutile inclusions ( silk ) . When high heat temperatures are used , the stone loses all silk and becomes clear under magnification Evidence sapphires and other gemstones . Target reheating to , at least , Roman times . Un - heated stones are quite rare and often will be sold accompanied by a certificate from an independent gemological laboratory stating " there is no evidence of heat treatment " .

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