
KPK chairman Abraham intimate photo circulating samat

KPK chairman Abraham Samad suggests there is an attempt to attack him through the circulation of intimate photos that looked like him along Puteri Indonesia 2014 Elvira Devinamira Wirayanti . He denied the authenticity of the photos .

Abraham said , there are intentionally want to drop after the Commission set the prospective head of the Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan as a suspect . " It's an attempt to attack and dropped me after yesterday's announcement of the suspects , " said Abraham through short messages , Wednesday ( 14/01/2015 ) .

Abraham judge , photographs circulating in cyberspace that is the result of digital engineering . Anyway , he said , has been a lot of people asking for photos together . " I thought it was engineered and during this time many people I meet always ask for photos , " said Abraham .

The photos are also circulating among journalists commonly served on the Building Commission via e - mail attachments on . An attachment in the form of bio Elvira and three other pictures depicting two people who like Abraham and Elvira posing affectionately .

Yesterday , the Commission set Gunawan as a suspect with alleged transaction involved suspicious or unnatural . Budi is the sole candidate for the head of the Police who is appointed by the President Joko Widodo .

" We want to convey the progress report cases of unnatural or suspicious transactions from state officials . That case is up to the stage of the investigation by the Commissioner General BG suspects in the alleged acceptance of gifts or promises , " said Abraham .

Abraham said the investigation into the case that ensnared Budi has been done since July 2014. " Based on a long investigation the Commission eventually found the criminal and find more than two items of evidence to improve the investigation into the investigation , " said Abraham .

Budi suspected of violating Article 12 paragraph a or b , Article 5, paragraph 2 , and Article 11 or 12 B Law Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 , paragraph 1 all 1KUHP .

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