
Attacked fighter jet , the President of Yemen Leave Palace

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ADEN - Air strikes against the Presidential Palace in the city of Aden, Yemen and the western part of the fierce battle at the airport raising concerns President Mansour Hadi Abedrabbo. He Decided to leave his home.
The same sources claimed that the attack was driven by anti-aircraft guns were placed near the palace, forcing the plane backwards. "President Hadi has been moved to a safe place, but he has not left the homeland," the source of toll AFP on Friday (03/20/2015). Yemeni security forces said the plane had issued a shot, but failed on the palace. This is not the first time President Hadi to take shelter in Aden. In February 2015, he had to flee Also after the after the Houthi militia control of the capital Sanaa. Pengincaran of the palace Came just hours after deadly clashes forced the closure of the international airport of Aden. A total of six people were killed and 20 others wounded after heavy fighting took place between the supporters of President Hadi and his enemies. Clash arises between a unit of special forces, loyal to Shiite Houthi militia, and military fighters and pro-Hadi.

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