
Stone Charm Bacan

Fans of precious stones is no stranger to rock Bacan . This precious stone known for its distinctiveness in the pattern . The price offered to hundreds of millions of dollars per unit . This stone is much sought after . Type booming lately is Bacan Doko and Palamea stone .

Bacan pretty much rock types . Besides Bacan Doko and Palamea , there kind of Bacan Obi , Pancawarna , and so on . This stone has a name like that because it becomes a genuine natural stone from Bacan Island . The island occupies the administrative area of South Halmahera .

Quoted from page Seconds , characteristics of Bacan Doko and more typical Palamea again . According to Adi , precious stone merchant Jakarta Gems Center ( JGC ) in Jakarta , Bacan Doko has a green color . As for Palamea , the color tends . Both if the better quality then the selling price soar . A stone Bacan between Rp 3 million - 10 million .

" If it Bacan Doko greenish . But if the color is slightly bluish palamea Bacan . If d flashlight he would translucent stone . Increasingly clear color of the stone the more expensive the price of the stone was already the most good quality ".

Problem uniqueness disclosed Bacan stone by stone collectors , Wartono . According to him , such Bacan stone has life in it . This stone has a charisma so much sought after by collectors of precious stones .

" Uniqueness of the stone is the longer Bacan tersubut color stone that had been colored dark green over time will become clear green so this rock like lifeless ".

Stone Bacan sold with various versions . There are already shaped jewelry such as necklaces or rings , and some are still mentahan form of boulders . Ring price range of hundreds of thousands to tens of millions nice rupiah.Semakin Bacan stone material , these are expensive .

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