
AL Zionist forces arrest four Palestinian Fishermen in Gaza waters

GAZA , Thursday ( WAFA ) : Zionist army arrested four Palestinian fishermen off the coast of the Gaza Strip , Monday ( 26/1 ) night . Before capturing the fishermen , Zionists fired warning shots . Zionists accused them of fishing beyond the six nautical mile limit . As is known , the Zionist Palestinian fishermen are only allowed to fish as far as six nautical miles .

According to the Zionist military radio , AL Zionist forces arrested four Palestinians who were fishing out of bounds six nautical miles . Then , four fishermen were taken by the Zionist spies , Shin Bet , for interrogation .

Chairman of the Association of Fishermen of Gaza , Nizar Ayyash said , seven of naval warships opened fire on fishing boats Zionists . According to Ayyash , the ship sank a few minutes and the fishermen were arrested after jumping into the water . There were no injuries in the incident .

Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Gaza almost every day to Zionist naval targets . It causes berjatuhannya civilian casualties . Zionists also often destroy the fishing boat . According to the Gaza Fishermen Association , there are about 50,000 Gazans who make a living by fishing . Zionist terror is no doubt make Gaza fishermen continue to suffer losses and risk their lives just to earn a living .

Deputy Head of the Gaza Fishermen Association Shrafi Amjad said , hundreds of Palestinian fishermen have been arrested , injured and even killed in the Gaza coast . Zionists also have confiscated about 54 fishing boats . During the Zionist aggression last summer , Palestinian fishermen suffered severe losses after the Zionist warplanes attacked fishing equipment storage sheds .

British non-profit organization , OXFAM in the report on the fishing industry and fishermen said, " With most of the fish at least nine miles out at sea , they have struggled to make a living . Now 90 percent of those in need of international assistance . "

Keep in mind , the sea area accessible fishermen in Gaza experienced a major decline since 1994. In 1994 , Palestinian fishermen to go to sea as far as 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza . However , in 2002 they were only allowed to go to sea as far as 12 nautical miles . Then , in 2006 was reduced to six nautical miles .

At the end of the Zionist military offensive " Cast Lead " in January 2009 , the area that can be accessed even more reduced , which is only three nautical miles . After the latest ceasefire agreement , the zone expanded to six nautical miles . Until now , shooting attacks against Palestinian fishermen by the Zionist navy was still continuing . *

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