
Team 9 Proposes Cancellation BG As Chief of Police

President Joko Widodo face pretty heavy pressure from party supporters regarding the fate of police chief candidates Komjen Budi Gunawan . Jokowi position is a dilemma in the middle of encouragement inauguration Komjen large Budi and rescue mission to eradicate corruption Commission and enforcement .

Serious situation facing Jokowi is delivered by one of the members of the independent team , Buya Shafi'i Maarif . Shafi justify the current situation facing Jokowi is quite heavy .

Meeting with President Jokowi Independent Team or Team 9 led Shafi'i Maarif at the State Palace , Jakarta , Wednesday ( 28/1 ) , it reveals many facts . What is surprising is Jokowi admit that name as Chief of Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan not appear on the initiative himself , but from others .

Nevertheless Team 9 no further inquire who the person who suggested the name and urged the suspects in the fat bank accounts in the Commission remains inducted so the police chief. Because rice has become porridge and that is needed now is a way out of the polemics Gecko vs. Crocodile Volume III increasingly burning .

Team 9 itself provides four options to the President Jokowi to take a decision in the near future . " The options for example ( Komjen ) Budi Gunawan be sworn in and dismissed , resigned last sworn , yet sworn in immediately resign , or it goes without inducted at all and the President immediately appoint a new candidate , " said team member independently Jimly Asshidiqqie Jokowi after meeting with the President in the Palace state , Jl Veteran , Central Jakarta , Wednesday ( 28/1 ) .
All options were narrowed to the cancellation of the Chief of Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan finished . Obviously Jokowi been getting tremendous feedback from the establishment of the 9 teams . Team 9 itself is already showing signs of courage to face the insistence inauguration Jokowi Komjen Budi . Unfortunately Team 9 was equipped with a decree that the seriousness Jokowi still questionable .

Other signs of courage Jokowi implied in the words of resistance . Sentence resistance subtly conveyed via Facebook on Sunday ( 25/1 ) at 16:00 pm .

" Suro Diro Jayaningrat Melting Dening Pangastuti ... " Thus the status of the President 's official Facebook page Jokowi , Monday ( 26/1 ) .

Meaning that philosophy is all perseverance , insular , anger , can only be defeated by an attitude wise , meek ​​, and patient . However Jokowi himself has yet to talk again about his attitude regarding the fate of the Chief of Police Commissioner General Budi so .

It is said that the pressure on Jokowi getting stronger . This is justified by the Shafi'i Maarif who openly about the condition of psychotherapy Jokowi who feel depressed . The longer not taken a decision then increasingly heavy pressure . " It must be fast , because the boiling situation . Had answered yes . He's a lot of burden , " said Shafi .
Shafi'i Maarif , calling the nomination Komjen Budi Gunawan as the sole candidate for the Chief of Police is not the President's initiative Jokowi . The team also suggested that BG was to be inaugurated as the Chief of Police .

" Honestly , it's not actually filing BG President's initiative , " said Shafi Maarif softly when giving a statement to reporters .
" It's true , I got a pretty good information ( trusted) , " added Shafi assured reporters .

However , further Shafi , now already . BG even already passed the stage of feasibility studies in the House . However , the proposal that BG was inducted still echoed Independent Team to Jokowi .

" Because it's a process in plenary . Yes now the problem is that he does not want to retreat , so he's making his strength , " he said .

" The proposal we ( BG ) do not inducted . I think not sworn , and our team of 9 ( recommend ) this person should not inducted , "added Buya .

Here grains Independent Team statement :
1. We as an independent consultative team requested input / opinions by the president , will be a partner that is ready to give input related to the relationship of law enforcement agencies .
2. We are on Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 , has invited the president to provide input based on the analysis that has been done during the past 2 days , and our input to the President are as follows :

a. The President should give certainty to any law enforcement that a suspect to resign in order to maintain dignity of both police and the KPK .

b . The President should not induct police chief candidates as suspect and reconsider to propose a new candidate for the Chief of Police , in order to get immediate police institution definitive police chief candidates .

c . The President should Stopping alleged efforts to criminalize any law enforcement personnel , both police and the Commission and the public at umumnuya

d . The President should instruct the police and the Commission to enforce the code of ethics of the profession ethics violations allegedly committed police personnel or the Commission .

e . President to reaffirm its commitment to the eradication of corruption and law enforcement in general as expected wider community .

The Independent Team Leader , Syaffi Maarif said , they describe the inputs as requested by the President and be neutral , impartial . The input will be considered by the President Jokowi .

" Already we convey this . He has been delivered , it is yes . Substance . The response , considered. It's input . We're ndak decided , we give advice as citizens . The independent team is not under the president , " said Syafii .

Meanwhile , members of this independent team , Hikmahanto Heilbron said input provided one of them asked not to induct Jokowi President Commissioner General Budi Gunawan as Chief of Police for the status of the suspect . This is to keep mawrah kewibaan and law enforcement agencies .

" Yes as we cease all law enforcement authority yes , values ​​that exist in the institutional also the values ​​that provide the foundations of their performance that keeps us alert. If not maintained violated , then from the personal - personal they do something but it is considered there is no right is also not true . Well this is how we keep growing moral process in Indonesia , particularly in the context of legal institutions is still our duty , "said Hikmahanto .

The team also proposed the names of replacement Komjen Budi .

" ( The names of the substitutes Budi ) All covered , clear all the alternatives A , B , C are discussed , including the impact to the Commission and the Police ?, " said team member independently Imam Prasodjo .

Imam invited the President to consider any alternatives presented independent team . " Kan we are not just one alternative , if an alternative the constriction device we are rich , " he added .

While the Commissioner General ( Ret ) Komjen Oegroseno said there are still nine names are considered feasible so the Chief of Police . Are they of 2 or 3 , all delivered to the President .

" Everything can happen so, when the days of first Pradopo East Pak , Pak BHD , we are all asked to join two star assessment , psychological as well , nice really. Yes all good officers still important yan police organization should tetep way under present conditions there is no police chief , community - Nanya Nanya also , " he said .

When asked about the cancellation of the nomination Budi Gunawan became Chief of Police , Oegro not want to suppose . " Not to know me , do not suppose , if same - supposing President Oegroseno certainly different , " he concluded .

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