
FDR black box found under debris AirAsia QZ8501 aircraft wing

Head of the National Search and Rescue Agency ( Basarnas ) Marshal FHB Soelistyo said the presence of the Flight Data Recorder ( FDR ) which is part of AirAsia QZ8501 black box found under the debris of the aircraft wing .

" Not squeezed airframe , but under the rubble wing . Different body with wings , " said Soelistyo Basarnas office in Jakarta , Monday ( 12/1 ) .

Soelistyo explained , a black box or black box of a plane consists of two things: the FDR and CVR ( Cockpit Voice Recorder ) .

" The two parts of this so-called black box , FDR recorded the entire flight system data , the CVR recorded the entire conversation outline is in the cockpit , " he explained .

Soelistyo asserted , although part of the black box has been found , but it remains focused on the search for survivors and evacuation . Therefore according Soelistyo , joint operations team will remain focused search for victims in a number of areas of operation .

" The first major task of searching and evacuation of casualties . The mission remains , we do not focus on the additional second priority , but the mission area in the I , II , III , IV also we do . All the ships main task remains , the second black box , " he concluded .

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